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School Improvement Plan 23-25 WEBSITE

St Swithun’s Catholic Primary School

School Improvement Plan 2023-2025

Our Mission Statement is ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 13:34


Our mission statement is ‘Love one another as I Loved us’ and is modelled by the whole school community and demonstrated through our mutual respect and love for each other, God’s creation and our drive to do our best in all we do.

This is underpinned by our vision; all children are happy, resilient and independent leaners with a strong motivational drive to fulfil their potential. We believe that every child has the entitlement to an aspirational curriculum which sets high expectations for all. Our programmes of learning provide rich experiences, build a depth of knowledge and equip children with the skills to be lifelong learners.

At St Swithun’s Catholic Primary School, we model excellence in everything we do. This begins with positive and respectful relationships where every member of our school family is valued. We develop the whole child giving the skills to positively contribute to their community. We have a highly skilled and knowledgeable team who collaborate effectively with children, parents, governors, diocese, church and other stakeholders to give our children the very best start in their learning journey.

We believe this can be achieved by working closely with our families who are the first and most important educators of their children. The staff and governors of St Swithun’s School, therefore, foster and encourage an open and supportive partnership between home, school and parish so that together we can help each child to develop in a happy, secure, and caring atmosphere.


School Context (as of 10/7/23)

Number on roll


Child Premium




Number of children with EAL

Average Attendance













88 / 25%

86 / 27%

2 / 5%



SEND Pre-school


EHCP Pre-school

511 / 14%

36 / 11%

4 /   0%

11 /    4%

0  /   0%




173 / 49%

160 / 51%

13 / 32%














End of school year outcomes – 2023
Pre-School 2-3yrs Pre-School 3-4yrs YrR   Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6
Prime Areas 84% 84% 93% Reading 69% (GD 20%) 75% (GD 30%) 66% (GD 11%) 82% (GD 14%) 65% (GD 7%) 71% (GD 33%)
Literacy 84% 88% 82% Maths 69% (GD 9%) 77% (GD 25%) 48% (GD 2%) 68% (GD 11%) 69% (GD 16%) 87% (GD 33%)
Numeracy 84% 80% 82% Writing 76% (GD 7%) 64% (GD 11%) 46% (GD 2%) 71% (GD 2%) 69% (GD 2%) 73% (GD 2%)
All of above 84% 80% 82% Science 82% 89%



National Tests 2021-2022 School Outcomes 2021-2022 National Outcomes 2021-2022 Portsmouth Outcomes 2022-2023 School Outcomes 2022-2023 National Outcomes 2022-2023 Portsmouth Outcomes
EYFS 84% 65% 62% 82% 67% 65%
Yr 1 Phonics 71% 75% 67% 85% 79% 75%
Yr2 Phonics Retakes 43% (14ch) 44% 64% (14ch) 89%
KS1 SATs Reading 51% (GD 0%) 67% (GD 18%) 63% (GD 16%) 75% (GD 30%) 68% (GD 19%) 64% (GD 16%)
KS1 SATs Maths 67% (GD 0%) 68% (GD 15%) 63% (GD 11%) 77% (GD 25%) 70% (GD 16%) 65% (GD 12%)
KS1 TA Writing 33% (GD 0%) 58% (GD 8%) 50% (GD 4%) 64% (GD 11%) 60% (GD 8%) 54% (GD 3%)
KS1 TA Science 78% 77% 77% 82% 79% 77%
KS1 Combined 33% (GD 0%) 53% (GD 6%) 46% (GD 3%) 64% (GD 7%) 56% (GD 6%) 51% (GD 3%)
MTC 25/25 85% 57% 89% 59%
KS2 SATs Reading 95% (GD 47%) 74% (GD 28%) 70% (GD 22%) 71% (GD 33%) 73% (GD 29%) 64% (GD 21%)
KS2 SATs Maths 91% (GD 24%) 71% (GD 22%) 64% (GD 14%) 87% (GD 33%) 73% (GD 24%) 65% (GD16 %)
KS2 TA Writing 76% (GD 4%) 69% (GD 13%) 60% (GD 4%) 73% (GD 2%) 71% (GD 13%) 62% (GD 5%)
KS2 TA Science 87% 79% 89% 80%
KS2 Combined 73% (GD 4%) 59% (GD 7%) 49% (GD 2%) 64% (GD 0%) 59% (GD 8%) 49% (GD 3%)
KS2 SPAG 91% (GD 53%) 73% (GD 28%) 69% (GD 22%) 87% (GD 64%) 72% (GD 30%) 64% (GD 23%)


Priorities for 2023-2025
Achievement Gaps

·         2019 & 2017 cohort – continue to invest catch up premium

·         Writing and reading across the school

·         Greater depth in all year groups, with a special focus on writing

·         Close the gap between disadvantaged and non- disadvantaged pupils

Priority 1

Developing the Catholic life of the school

·         Promoting and enhancing children’s spirituality, moral, social and cultural development

·         Introduce and implement curriculum changes from the diocese

·         Implement updated assessment criteria and moderate across phases

·         Support staff subject knowledge and questioning

·         Develop the Catholic environment

·         Redevelop collective worship, including child-led worship

Priority 2

Quality of Education

·         Raise combined attainment and progress for all pupils across all phases so outcomes are at least 75% ARE and 15% GD

·         Develop the use of monitoring to ensure high quality teaching so that children develop knowledge and skills to achieve best possible outcomes in RWM

·         The school’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded across the school so that work is of a consistently high quality and learning experiences help the children remember what they have been taught so that they learn important aspects, such as historical chronology, more deeply

·         The curriculum is effectively sequenced to build upon children prior learning and enable children to widen their knowledge and understanding

·         Further develop subject leaders’ knowledge and expertise to continue developing the school’s curriculum and embed best practice across subjects

·         Ensure groups of children who are most vulnerable to not achieving their potential make good progress by focusing on the classroom environment and adapting the curriculum

·         Embed the Feedback and Assessment Policy so it moves children’ learning forward, provides helpful formative and summative data for teachers and is cognisant of teacher workload

·         Ensure expectations for each year are moderated internally with core subjects moderated with other schools in YR, Y2, Y4 and Y6

·         Continue to improve curriculum and standards in all subjects – see action plans

·         Digital strategy provides all members of the school community with skills to use a range of technology safely and effectively, so they develop the skills and knowledge for lifelong learning.

Priority 3

Behaviour and Attitudes

·         Introduce and embed relational practice throughout the school to build relationships, improve behaviour and create a strong school community where everyone feels they belong, are safe, cared for and valued

·         Enable children to grow leadership within the school, ensuring child voices and opinions are heard in improving both our school and the local community

·         Ensure all our children are staying safe online both at home and school

·         To continue to improve whole school attendance and punctuality and ensure number of children at risk of persistent absentees is reduced

Priority 4

Personal Development

·         To ensure the mental health of children is a high priority for all and that children know how and where to seek support

·         To ensure the mental health of staff is a high priority for all and staff feel able to openly seek support if needed

·         Ensure children understand how to be responsible, respectful citizens of the world understanding, respecting and celebrating difference while developing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

·         To develop British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, respect and tolerance

·         To ensure that we offer a range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch all children’s talents and interests to broaden their development

·         Establish a PSHE curriculum that will support learners’ broader development and implements the relationships and health education of all children

Priority 5

Leadership and Management

·         To promote a clear and ambitious vision for the school, which relentlessly focuses on improving the quality of education – through the quality of our curriculum, teaching and learning and outcomes (progress and attainment) and extending collaboration opportunities for leaders at all levels

·         To ensure an effective program of support for ECTs is in place and meets their needs allowing them to thrive

·         Leaders continue to develop opportunities to engage with children, families and community to make a positive difference

·         To ensure governors are robust and rigorous in holding leaders to account for the quality of education and school improvement

·         To ensure school continue to build on their strong safeguarding culture


Priority 6

Early Years


·         Construct an ambitious curriculum that supports the development of each child

·         To ensure there is a systematic approach to teaching early reading and synthetic phonics

·         All staff are knowledgeable about the teaching of early mathematics

·         To ensure the outside area supports children’s development across all areas of the EYFS

·         To build positive relationship with parents and carers

OFSTED – GOOD (Sept. 2019)  School priorities

·         Leaders need to continue their work to improve some parts of the curriculum, such as in geography and history. In these subjects, leaders should develop how learning builds on what children already know and understand, so that they learn important aspects, such as historical chronology, more deeply.


Section 48 – GOOD (Nov. 2019) School priorities

·         Ensure the improvements in teaching and learning in RE are embedded across the school.

·         Develop opportunities for children to study and apply the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) throughout the curriculum and life of the school.

·         Embed in upper Key Stage 2 and then extend to all year groups the recent move to children planning and leading aspects of their own worship, ensuring expectations are appropriate for the age of the children involved.
















Priority 1: Developing the Catholic life of the school
Intent Monitoring Impact

·         Promoting and enhancing children’s spirituality, moral, social and cultural development

·         Introduce and implement curriculum changes from the diocese

·         Implement updated assessment criteria and moderate across phase

·         Support staff subject knowledge and questioning

·         Develop the Catholic environment

·         Redevelop collective worship, including child-led worship

·         Re-establish links with the parish

SEE THE RE ACTION PLAN FOR DETAILS For every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of RE, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their God-given talents. This will be achieved through high quality teaching in RE, which is embedded throughout school life and provides a strong ethos to take forward after primary school.


Priority 2: Quality of Education
Intent Implementation Lead Monitoring Impact Date

Raise combined attainment and progress for all pupils across all phases so outcomes are at least 75% ARE and 15% GD


Ensure a forensic approach to the analysis of data to improve outcomes for all children. Ensure that pupils are carefully tracked and targeted so they maintain (or improve) their levels of attainment. MD SLT and phase leaders will provide feedback in SLT and reports to governors. Gaps identified and planning adjusted to meet the needs of children and ensure they keep up. Ongoing
Previous year’s data and Baseline teacher assessments undertaken to establish children’s ‘starting’ points upon return and end of year targets are set. MD Targets to be set by previous teacher. MD to input into Sonar and share with governors.

Targets established and published, considering prior attainment, knowledge of the children and national benchmarks.


September 2023
Plans & Interventions (inc PP & Catch-up plans implemented and carefully monitored to demonstrate impact of evidence MD English and maths leads to scrutinise plans for catch up to ensure it meets needs of children.

Catch up programme planned and implemented in Year 4 to support progress.


September 2023
High quality AfL strategies are used by all classroom staff. MD SLT during learning walks and lesson observations. AfL strategies are used effectively in all lessons to support and challenge children. Ongoing
Sonar is embedded in the school and teachers are using it to input and analyse both summative and formative data MD

Phases to dedicate PPA time each week to update – phase leaders to monitor.

MD to provide feedback to JV on updates.

Termly data reports to governors.

Teachers fully understand PITA system and can accurately benchmark children. Data is analysed by teachers, phase groups and subject leads to inform planning and ensure children keep up.

May 24


Develop the use of monitoring to ensure high quality teaching so that children develop knowledge and skills to achieve best possible outcomes in RWM. Strengthen the use of T&L development materials (learning walks, book scrutiny etc) to ensure a consistently high standard of quality first teaching with new and existing staff. JV/MD Phase and subject leaders to complete monitoring forms and provide clear feedback to staff and SLT.

Quality of work demonstrates effective targeting of support as well as progression in skills and knowledge and outcomes.

Data indicates good progress towards EOY targeted outcomes.

Teachers plan learning opportunities which meet the needs of ALL children. JV/MD Subject leaders and SLT to scrutinise lesson planning. Ongoing
The school’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded across the school so that work is of a consistently high quality and learning experiences help the children remember what they have been taught. Refine curriculum planning approaches to strengthen the evidence of mastery and challenge within all wider curriculum subject areas.  Teachers will use assessment data to adapt the curriculum in order for all pupils to successfully access learning Sub leads + SENCo

Phase teams to evaluate planning and provide feedback to subject leaders.

Subject leaders to undertake book looks and child conferencing to establish standards and next steps.

Report to SLT

Medium term plans for all subjects refined so that there is effective sequencing of learning across all non-core areas incorporating any changes due to new frameworks and/or gaps in learning. Sept. 2023
Continue to develop the wider curriculum provision to develop evidence of good practice and showcase pupils’ learning with a creative approach promoting inclusive practice

Lessons demonstrate consideration of challenge for all pupils and planning clearly demonstrates effective sequencing and progression in learning.

Pupils’ display a detailed knowledge of aspects of the curriculum.

Ensure consistency in the quality of learning through regular and rigorous moderation of books and other learning evidence.

Books/evidence in all wider curriculum subjects demonstrate good progress.


Half termly as per monitoring schedule
Embed enrichment opportunities (e.g. Visits /Visitors &focus week) into wider curriculum plans and ensure quality learning by linking carefully to knowledge and skills progression overviews All trips and visits add value and enrich the curriculum. MD to follow up with phases on all trips. Pupils can talk about enrichment activities, and these add value to the curriculum offered. Ongoing
Strengthen the use of evidence-based/research within policy, practice and pedagogy and promote individual reflection/study via the use of CPD journals. PDM and TA meetings Staff are up to date on current practice and use relevant research to inform their own teaching (where applicable) September 2024
The curriculum is effectively sequenced to build upon children prior learning and enable children to widen their knowledge and understanding Embed retrieval practice in teaching across all year groups so that children remember more and that learning builds on prior knowledge. MD Discussions with children, scrutiny of planning slides to see retrieval practice, subject leads ensure key knowledge is being retrieved. Children’ learning demonstrates that they know more and are remembering more leading to improved outcomes across all non-core subjects. October 2023
Phase teams make effective use of knowledge organisers to ensure consistent coverage of key vocabulary and that knowledge builds on prior understanding. Sub Leads Sub leads to review knowledge organisers and provide feedback to phases on quality. Quality of work, in all non-core subjects, demonstrates that the children are learning the right things in the right order, prior knowledge is built upon and good progress is made. Ongoing each half term
Further develop subject leaders’ knowledge and expertise to continue developing the school’s curriculum and embed best practice across subjects Subject leaders demonstrate secure subject knowledge including pedagogy. Keeping to date with developments in their curriculum area (E.g. Ofsted subject reviews) MD Relevant training undertaken and then updates given to MD. Monitoring demonstrates the development of pedagogy and effective teaching & learning across all subject areas with implementation clearly aligned to intent Ongoing
Subject Leaders will ensure the implementation of the curriculum is closely aligned to the intent and there is strong evidence of skills and knowledge progression across all subjects. MD

Sub Leads to deliver PDM sessions as required to ensure fidelity to the intended curriculum.

Sub leads to provide governor updates.

Moderation of outcomes demonstrates accuracy of assessment.

Quality of work supports reported outcomes

Ongoing – see PDM timetable
Ensure that all staff regularly complete ongoing formative assessment using Sonar and this is impacting on planning and next steps Sub Leads Sub Leads to check Sonar half termly and report back to SLT on current attainment and areas of development. Outcomes in all year groups, for all areas, is in line with targets. Half termly
Support colleagues’ professional development of subject pedagogy and the use of new technology (via coaching, training) through, signposting effective practice, providing advice and feedback, resources and staff training. CPD leader Discussions with staff, time in PDM to share practise. Teachers are able to demonstrate and discuss research undertaken and the positive impact it has on learning. Teachers have access to high quality training provided both internally and externally. Ongoing

Subject leaders will understand the complexity of needs across the school and provide support for teachers to deliver lessons accessible for all learners


SENCo Learning walks show adaptation. Subject leaders are able to support or signpost to additional resources.  Discussions with staff, time in PDM to share practise. Staff are confident in addressing needs and putting correct provision in place e.g. pre-learning, interventions, presenting information correctly in order for children to access September 2024
Ensure groups of children who are most vulnerable to not achieving their potential make good progress by focusing on the classroom environment and adapting the curriculum (SEE SEND ACTION PLAN) Pupil progress meetings with SLT and SENCo to identify all children who are most vulnerable to not making good progress





Pupil progress meetings

Learning walks – SENCo and SLT


Book scrutinies

Regular reviews of ILPs

Where appropriate external agencies are used to support provision

Regular staff development meetings with teachers and TAs to discuss provision



Children are identified quickly so support can be put in place to ensure all children do make good progress Sept. 2023 and termly
Ensure the correct support is in place dependant on individual need and according to their ILP or EHCP if applicable ILP/EHCP targets, progress and outcomes are used to continually reviewed and updated to reflect progress, gaps and needs in order to provide effective support Sept. 2023 and half termly
Provide teachers and TAs with relevant training to support our most vulnerable children to make progress Staff are confident in addressing needs and putting correct provision in place e.g. pre-learning, interventions, presenting information correctly in order for children to access Ongoing
Ensure the classroom environment supports learning Relevant displays to support learning are clearly visible in and children are using them independently to support their work Ongoing
Ensure resources are available for children to use to support their own learning Children are encouraged to independently access resources e.g. sound mat, topic word bank, number square Ongoing
Embed the Feedback and Assessment Policy so it moves children’ learning forward, provides helpful formative and summative data for teachers and is cognisant of teacher workload Review current feedback policy and update to include summative assessment systems and timeline. MD

SLT through discussion and book scrutiny


Feedback and assessment systems are effective in moving learning forward and are consistently applied within phases. Oct. 2023
Ensure all adults and children fully understand different feedback approaches and how to use them to maximise learning. MD Oct. 2023
Develop child conferencing for at risk children so they are receiving targeted feedback and support. MD Jan. 2024
Ensure expectations for each year are moderated internally with core subjects moderated with other schools in YR, Y2, Y4 and Y6 Develop internal moderation schedule to include specific times and protocol for moderation. MD

SLT through feedback from sessions and notes taken on children.


Greater clarity of end of year expectations. Clear, well-defined and effective system in place for moderation and collation of evidence.

Children’ attainment is accurately measured throughout the school.

Oct. 2023 Ongoing
Liaise with cluster schools to set up external moderation sessions. MD
Set up procedures for collation of moderation evidence MD

Continue to improve the curriculum and standards in reading and writing – SEE ENGLISH PLAN FOR DETAIL:


·         Improve quality of phonics, reading and writing in EYFS and KS1 through the implementation of Read Write Inc.

·         Improve reading outcomes for all KS2 through implementation of Destination Reader and for KS1/EYFS through RWI

·       Develop writing journeys so children have good models of writing, know the expectations and have opportunities to develop GD skills


As detailed in plan with SLT monitoring progress of plan each term

Governors curriculum committee term


Children will be able to read easily, fluently and with good understanding at the appropriate level. They will develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. They will write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences at the appropriate level. Ongoing
Continue to improve the curriculum and standards in maths – SEE MATHS PLAN FOR DETAIL:

·       Ensure new Long term plan and ‘What a good series of maths lessons looks like’ are embedded

·       Ensure teacher subject knowledge is developed so they can plan coherent progressive units


As detailed in plan with SLT monitoring the progress of plan each term

Governors curriculum committee term



Continue to improve curriculum and standards in all subjects – see action plans



Digital Strategy

·   Computing Lead to complete Digital Champion course

·   Leadership and governance – understanding the organisation

·   Auditing the current state – making the most of the technology we have

·   Classroom and device refresh – using technology to enhance teaching and learning, reduce workload and support accessibility and inclusion for children, adults and the wider community

·   Financial planning – budgeting and planning for refresh

·   Digital strategy, visioning and planning – creating a sustainable vision for your school

SEE THE DIGITAL STRATEGY ACTION PLAN FOR DETAILS All members of our community are provided with the skills to use a range of technology safely and effectively.  Technology is used to support all members of our community with developing the skills and knowledge for lifelong learning.


Priority 3: Behaviour and Attitudes
Intent Implementation Lead Monitoring Impact Date
Introduce and embed relational practice throughout the school to build relationships, improve behaviour and create a strong school community where everyone feels they belong, are safe, cared for and valued SEE RELATIONAL PRACTICE ACTION PLAN FOR DETAILS

Each person in our school community to feel they belong, are safe, cared for and valued through the way they are treated and the way they treat others

Positive behaviour and relationships increase across the school while negative behaviour decreases

Enable children to grow leadership within the school, ensuring child voices and opinions are heard in improving both our school and the local community School council develop child leadership roles in school so that they make a tangible contribution to the life of the school MD/ RH MD to record who takes up roles around the school so all children can be encouraged to contribute to school life Children have the opportunity to take on extra responsibilities to support school and their fellow children’s, increasing their independences Oct. 2023
School council provide opportunities for all the main school to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school through the class representative RH

RH to support school council with their discussions and plans


School council representatives provide a voice for all children to identify priorities and improvements that they would want in school this is then discussed with staff and actioned (if appropriate)

Sept. 2023


Increase in child voice by carrying out surveys within school to gather children’ opinions JV JV to assess answers and share with SLT and all staff alongside an action plan Surveys undertaken with year groups to identify priorities and improvements that children would want in school this is then discussed with staff and actioned (if appropriate) Jan. 2024
Ensure children with SEND have a voice and contribute to their plan whenever possible via Edukey and ILPs SENCo

SHy to assess if it is appropriate and to provide opportunity for children contribution

JV to monitor this action

Children are heard and shape their own development and learning journey

Jan. 2024


Fund raising events and volunteering projects that involve the whole school community



Fund raising events to be planned out for the year with school council & Mini Vinnies

JV monitoring frequency, cost and activity (so not expecting too much from families and supporting those families in need so their children can still be part of all aspects of school life)

School and Community projects planned and developed with support of school leaders. Projects completed successfully and impact shared with community.

Profile of school raised across wider community

Vital funds raised for school and charities

Children are part of raising awareness and giving to those less fortunate

Children benefit from additional school activities and experiences

Oct. 2023


Work with FOSSS to organise, run and support events to enhance school life and raise funds for the school and charities MD

MD to monitor plans of events and share with SLT

MD monitoring frequency, cost and activity (so not expecting too much from families and supporting those families in need so their children can still be part of all aspects of school life)

Sept. 2023


Ensure all our children are staying safe online both at home and school Reinforce online safety both as core parts of all computing units of work and within the PSHE curriculum MD/ TH

MD to monitor the teaching and learning of computing

TH to monitor the teaching and learning of PSHE

Children understand how to keep safe online and know what to do if cyber bullying occurs

Staff are clear about responsibilities to report and act upon reports of cyber bullying   Children awareness is increased

Sept. 2023


Increase family engagement and partnership in promoting child’s safety when interacting online through additional resources from online safety organisations and drop-in clinics /advice session for parents MD MD to organise family sessions and information for newsletter and follow up on parental feed back

Families know how to keep their children safe online and where to go for support

Families are kept informed of current online risks

Children and family’s awareness is increased

Nov. 2023


Where online safety concerns are identified within phases or with groups or individual children appropriate action undertaken and recorded MD JV/MD/SHw  to monitor online safety concerns, record and provide appropriate action

Children understand how to keep safe online and know what to do if cyber bullying occurs

Staff are clear about responsibilities to report and act

upon reports of cyber bullying. Specific interventions with children and meetings held with parents to address risks

To continue to improve whole school attendance and punctuality and ensure number of children at risk of persistent absentees is reduced Utilise arbor to track attendance and lateness JV/ SHw/ JM Monitor lateness weekly and attendance four weekly taking appropriate action

Regular communication of attendance and punctuality expectations sees these figures fall

Specific groups /families are identified and supported resulting in improved attendance for children

School leaders can more accurately track attendance and punctuality patterns against other schools nationally for whole cohorts and specifics groups – Implementing appropriate strategies and interventions as necessary

Sept. 2023


Continue with weekly meetings to assess lateness and four weekly meeting to assess absences JV/ SHw Monitor and record lateness, taking appropriate action to ensure children receive their education

Sept. 2023


Provide support via a range of strategies to ensure compliance with attendance and punctuality expectations including targeted support meetings, family support plans, early helps and if necessary, use of Penalty Notices via PCC



Monitor children and families, ensuring appropriate interventions are in place as soon as possible to ensure all children receive their education




Priority 4: Personal Development
Intent Implementation Lead Monitoring Impact Date
To ensure the mental health of children is a high priority for all and that children know how and where to seek support

Ensure My Happy Mind is embedded across the school by:

ensuring all staff understand the language

ensuring all sessions are taught and learning environment reflects the learning


Regular reviews in PDM/TA meetings

Monitor of teaching

Talking to children and teachers

PSHE action plan

Curriculum is embedded through:

Appropriate CPD identified and undertaken, for individuals / groups of staff

All staff are aware of and confident in their roles in terms of children’s mental well-being

Children know techniques to help them e.g.happy breathing and who they can to talk too

Monitoring of lessons

Oct. 2024


Concerns for children’ mental health are raised and discussed using safeguarding systems and discussed at weekly vulnerable children’s meetings JV / SHw +DSLs

Weekly discussions in vulnerable children’s meetings

Meetings with families where appropriate

Discussion with external agencies when appropriate

Support and/or interventions in place

Children know who to turn to for support with mental well-being

Children know some ways to stay mentally healthy

Vulnerable children identified promptly In-school / external support is in place for identified children

Information is shared with relevant staff

Working with families and providing support internally and externally where needed

Meetings provide an element of supervision for staff dealing with sensitive issues

Sept. 2023
Pastoral support, Family Support Plans, ELSA or referrals for MHST made in discussion with families SHw/ SENCo

Sept. 2023


To ensure the mental health of staff is a high priority for all and staff feel able to openly seek support if needed

SLT to ensure that expectations of all staff are clear, reasonable (work-life balance taken into account) and effectively communicated




Staff surveys

Staff discussions


Supervision meetings

Staff meetings



Staff are aware of their on mental health and strategies they can use to help themselves

Work-life balance is protected

Staff know what is expected of them, how and when to meet expectations

Staff are enabled and motivated to fulfil roles effectively

Staff feel confident to ask for help if needed

SLT are aware of how individual staff are feeling as well as staff as a collective

Surveys show an upward trend in scores

Staff receive the support they need to keep themselves mentally healthy

Staff feel safe and secure in their pace of work

Sept. 2023

Staff are aware that if they do not want in school support, they know how to access support via My Happy Mind, PCC Employee Assistance Programme, Health Care Portsmouth and other relevant schemes



Display in staffroom

Staff wellbeing survey

Various initiatives (with staff input) e.g. walking Wednesday, staff shout out

Mental health champion and SLT check in with staff

Sept. 2023


Supervision takes place each half term with all DSLs and 1:1 staff supporting behaviour, termly for nursery practitioners and as and when individual staff request it JV / SHw/ SENCo/ DH


General feedback from trained staff if appropriate

Display in staffroom

Regular reminders in briefin

Staff have regular sessions to debrief and discuss potentially difficult situations, feelings and emotions with trained colleagues

Oct. 2023


Ensure children understand how to be responsible, respectful citizens of the world understanding, respecting and celebrating difference while developing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development Through our RE curriculum children continue to understand more about both Catholicism and a growing number of other religions and beliefs allowing them to develop spiritually, morally and socially FK

Visitors from different religions inc. members of our school community, visits and resources

Other faith weeks

RE lessons and books


Mini Vinnies

Children are prepared for modern Britain and have a developed understanding and respect for all people

Sept. 2023


Our school’s rich and diverse cultural background is celebrated.   Language ambassadors support younger children with EAL socially

International day continues to promote other cultures, with our school community invited in to support

Language ambassadors continue to expand on the events they hold throughout the year to celebrate different cultures, religions, ethnicity, language and festivals



Theme days and weeks

Events to promote our diversity


EMAS meetings

All children and families feel proud of their culture

Children learn about and celebrate a variety of cultures

Children are prepared for modern Britain and have a developed understanding and respect for all people


Oct. 2023


Catholic Social Justice is taught through the Catholic Keys to ensure children understand the wider world and how they can make a difference to society

Children know how to discuss and debate world issues and ideas respectfully


RE lessons and books

Assembles, liturgical prayer, Mass

Charity events organised by both our Mini Vinnies and School council

Children show that they are responsible, respectful, active citizens though their words, work and actions at school

Children take part (and organise) a range of events to help the most vulnerable in our society

Sept. 2023


To develop British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, respect and tolerance

Children are taught about British values in PSHE and these are embedded across the curriculum

Children model these values in class, school council and Mini Vinnies and in the extra responsibilities they take on

JV /


PSHE lessons and books

School Council meetings

Mini Vinnie meetings

Assemblies and guest speakers

RE lessons and books

Extra responsibilities inc. librarians, office, assembly, playground and hall monitors

Children understand the British values and talk about what they mean

Children model these values in school

Children take these values into their next step when they leave St Swithun’s


Sept. 2023


To ensure that we offer a range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch all children’s talents and interests to broaden their development Organise and facilitate a range of before and after school clubs that are accessible for all children especially our most vulnerable



Working with a range of afterschool providers as well as school staff to provide a range of clubs

Offering funding for those in need via emails and newsletter

All children, especially our most vulnerable, have access to and are encouraged to attend a club to broaden their development and encourage their talent and interests

Sept. 2023


Celebrate children’s successes both in and out of school JV

Celebration assembly


Talent shows


Children’s talents and interests are celebrated and encouraged

Sept. 2023


Reintroduce opportunities for children to nurture and showcase talents eg performance skills (via assemblies and shows), sporting and academic skills (via competitions and events) JV / MD / PO

Class assemblies

Liturgical prayer and Mass

Sports events and competitions

Other events inc. Singing, religious celebrations, dance

All children experience a range of opportunities to broaden their development

All children’s talents and interests are celebrated and encouraged including our most vulnerable


Sept. 2023


Establish a PSHE curriculum that will support learners’ broader development and implements the relationships and health education of all children

Ensure all elements of the PSHE curriculum are taught alongside My Happy Mind including RSE providing training for staff as well as support for parental understanding



PSHE lessons and books with a focus on how healthy lifestyles impact on their physical and mental well-being


Family meetings

PDM for staff on PSHE

Parents meeting both as a cohort and individually if requested

Planning and PHSE records show evidence of children learning about and being able to adopt healthy lifestyles, relationship

Sept. 2023







Priority 5: Leadership and Management
Intent Implementation Lead Monitoring Impact Date

To promote a clear and ambitious vision for the school, which relentlessly focuses on improving the quality of education – through:

·         the quality of our curriculum,

·          teaching and learning and outcomes (progress and attainment)

·         extending collaboration opportunities for leaders at all levels

Continue to develop consistency in the quality of education across the school by strategically planning, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing Sub. leads& SLT

Subject leaders to regularly update SLT on their subject and governors’ yearly

Planning moderation

Lesson observations/walk through with SLT, colleagues, governors

Coaching, team teaching and peer work

Assessment internal, external

Child progress meetings with DHT/SENCO

Book looks show that feedback is impacting on learning positively and non-negotiables for each phase are upheld


A clear and consistent approach to quality first teaching is evidenced across the school

High expectations of all, lead to high outcomes of learning for all (progress and attainment)

There is a clear culture of inclusion, led by SLT and evident across the school

Feedback is accurate and developmental in terms of better practice and outcome

Subject leaders are confident with the learning journey for their subject /expectations for different phases and provide advice and support based on latest developments leading to improvements in T&L and outcomes Expertise of staff utilized to support CPD and develop practice of colleagues

Sept. 2023
Teachers take ownership of their data, analysing with support and using this information to constantly improve T&L for all
INSET, PDM and CPD training to be led by subject leaders (supported), SLT and external agencies
Ensure effective CPD (internal/external)/coaching for leaders so that they become familiar with areas beyond their immediate expertise and continue to develop their own knowledge
To ensure an effective program of support for ECTs is in place and meets their needs allowing them to thrive

Requirements of ECT framework mapped out in partnership with Teaching Hub and the ECT framework considers implications of introduction as part of a wider professional development programme/plan



Weekly mentor meetings

Observation and meetings with induction tutor

Monitoring online platform


All ECTs are thriving, meeting their targets and on track to successful complete their ECT years


Sept 2023
Leaders continue to develop opportunities to engage with children, families and community to make a positive difference A range of clearly focused coffee mornings are organised across the year including input from CAMHS, school nurse, SEN team, EMAS… JV/ MD/ SHw/ SENCo

Parent forums

Parent surveys

Coffee morning discussions

Informal discussions


Strong links are forged between school and the community

Parents are an active part of school life, are well-informed and have a voice

Families feel well supported in both supporting their children and their own needs






Oct. 2023


Half termly parents’ forum where parents can attend in person or email in topics for discussion to focus on continually improving school procedures

Oct. 2023


Newsletter to have dedicated sections to engage and support families Sept. 2023
Family support officer role to continue to engage and support both children and their families Sept. 2023
A range of before and after school clubs provided, with funded places, to give opportunities for all children.  Out of school clubs/family clubs are signposted Children and families have an opportunity to try new experiences and develop wider skills, with no worries of cost concerns Ongoing
FOSSS to continue to grow with new members and increased events organised with families and school staff

Increase in events and experiences for children and wider community

Funds provide school with the capital to enhance learning experiences

To ensure governors are robust and rigorous in holding leaders to account for the quality of education and school improvement

Strengthen governance within school by increasing opportunities for governors to engage in school community



Governor minutes

Governor visits and visit reports

Invites to events

Advertise for new governors in newsletter and parish

Headteacher report




Governors are more actively engaged in the monitoring and review process and are better placed to drive and challenge the implementation and impact of this plan. Sept. 2023
Strengthen and build the expertise of existing and new governors, so that they confidently fulfil their strategic duties. Governing body has the necessary skills to fulfil strategic function Sept- Dec 2023
Support school leaders in managing budgetary position at the school to ensure that financial positions are carefully managed in the short, medium and long term and that the quality of provision is maintained.

Governors support the SLT in addressing challenging financial pressures – making best use of available funding whilst ensuring quality of provision is maintained


Sept. 2023
Governors continue to strengthen understanding of safeguarding arrangements through monthly safeguarding meetings, share school data reports with governors to support them in fulfilling statutory duties

Governors have stronger evidence to support them in fulfilling safeguarding duties


Sept 2023
Develop governors’ profile in the school community through communication with wider stakeholders, through Annual report and greater visibility on school website and other school communications

Newsletter article

Website improvements


Website has improved governance section making the function of the governing body more accessible to parents and for parents to know who the governors are.


April 2024
To ensure school continue to build on their strong safeguarding culture Continue with staff training to ensure everyone has a strong understanding of safeguarding and procedure JV

Safeguarding survey

1:1 training where needed

INSET training internal and external

PDM/ TA meeting training and reviews

Posters throughout school both for adults and children

Worry boxes are used

Training updates in the toilets based on staff requests/needs


Vulnerable children on excel

Training overview

Supervision timetable and confidential recording

Headteacher reports to governors in minutes

Four weekly meeting with safeguarding governor report




All staff are able to keep children safe as they know signs of abuse, procedures and are confident to report and discuss concerns immediately

All staff are aware and trained in updates to safeguarding e.g. filtering and monitoring

Children are tracked effectively to ensure they receive the support and help needed

Children feel safe and know how to ask for help

Communication both within school and with external agencies is outstanding and ensure children get the help and support they need

Sept 2023


Ensure all safeguarding is reported effectively and timely onto arbor so appropriate action can be taken swiftly
Continue with regular training for all DSLs

Weekly meetings to discuss vulnerable

children on the excel document

Four weekly extended vulnerable meetings to share training and learning from case studies
Supervision in place for all DSLs and staff who request it
PSCP updated with stakeholders and shared with LA along with action plan
Continue to work effectively with external agencies being dogmatic and relentless if needed
Four weekly meetings with the safeguarding governor and half termly reports for governors on safeguarding
Ensure all requirements of filtering and monitoring, a new priority in KCSiE 2023,are in place and governors are assured that the standards are met


Priority 6: Early Years
Intent Monitoring Impact

·         Construct an ambitious curriculum that supports the development of each child

·         To ensure there is a systematic approach to teaching early reading and synthetic phonics

·         All staff are knowledgeable about the teaching of early mathematics

·         To ensure the outside area supports children’s development across all areas of the EYFS

·         To build positive relationship with parents and carers


SEE THE EYFS ACTION PLAN FOR DETAILS At St. Swithun’s Catholic Primary School we are passionate about children being happy, confident, independent, well-rounded individuals with a love for learning. We believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is crucial in securing solid foundations that children continue to build upon throughout their school life. It is our aim that the children who enter our EYFS develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and a love of learning.  We do this by ensuring that all children feel safe and happy at school in an engaging and stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors that’s builds on each individual child’s needs and interests. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate in allowing all children to achieve their full, unique potential.



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