Wraparound Care
Our Purpose
Sunlight and Twilight Care exists to provide out-of-school wraparound extended day care for families of children attending St. Swithun’s Catholic Primary School. This means the school offers provision from 7:30 am to 5:45 pm during term time only. Sunlight and Twilight offers a safe, child-centred environment where youngsters can explore and enjoy play and leisure activities in the company of their peers; children are involved in decisions as much as possible.
Our Intention
Our intention is to care for children and support their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development through a wide range of planned activities, providing a range of relaxing and stimulating situations, which reflect the opportunities parents would provide for their children in the home environment.
If you would like child to attend our wraparound (Sunlight/Twilight) but you need some financial assistance please do contact Mrs Verhiest or Mrs Hawkins [email protected]
Please see our Parent and School Partnership Handbook