Thank you for your interest, any vacancies we have are always listed on the Portsmouth City Council website which can be found HERE.
Would you like to become a School Governor?
St Swithun’s, and other schools locally, have been experiencing a lack of school governors recently. With some of our governors moving on we would really appreciate people with a passion and a will to support the school now and in its future endeavours. You don’t need to know about education or be a parent of a child in the school. What we need is working and professional people who have skills in any aspect of business or beyond that would help our current governors in their stewardship of the school.
Portsmouth Catholic Diocese has information about becoming a Catholic governor of a school, Foundation Governor Recruitment Drive, but we do need a few more governors to support us. More information about becoming a governor in Portsmouth is available here,
If you or someone you know thinks they may be suitable please do get in touch with the school as we would really like to have a chat with you and listen to what you can offer – you may be surprised to find you don’t need to be highly skilled to support the school; life and work experience is often valuable in our work of running schools. We look forward to hearing from you.