We aim to inspire and captivate our pupils as they learn historical skills through carefully planned topics that are creative and well-integrated into the rest of our curriculum. Whether history is delivered through English, Maths or a Drama lesson, we strive to give our children stimulating experiences that allow them to develop their historical skills. Plenty of drama, trips and re-enactments are provided for the children to develop their understanding of key historical events.
During Key Stage 1 pupils learn about people’s lives and lifestyles. They find out about significant men, women, children and events from the recent and more distant past, including those from both Britain and the wider world. They listen and respond to stories and use sources of information to help them ask and answer questions.
During Key Stage 2 pupils learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. They learn about change and continuity in their own area, in Britain and other parts of the world. They look at history in a variety of ways, for example from political, economic, technological and scientific, social, religious, cultural or aesthetic perspectives. They use different sources of information to help them investigate the past both in depth and in overview, using dates and historical vocabulary to describe events, people and developments. They also learn that the past can be represented and interpreted in different ways.
Children throughout our school are encouraged to learn and develop their historical skills rather than just learning facts. We focus on allowing children to discover the past through their enquiry, and have a key emphasis on ensuring the progression of their skills as they move up through the school.
Progression of skills in History
History – National Curriculum – History key stages 1 to 2