Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice at St Swithun’s Catholic Primary School
Pupil voice refers to the participation of students in the decision-making process in their schools. It covers all their contributions and their level of influence. There are a wide variety of ways in which St Swithun’s Catholic Primary School includes pupil voice in school-based decisions.
The Importance of Pupil Voice
There have been numerous studies into the importance of pupil voice that have found that there are many benefits for schools that include pupil voice in every level of school life. Pupil voice increases pupil engagement in both learning and in the wider school community. Relationships are stronger as pupils feel respected and valued, as their ideas and comments are given time and consideration.
The consequence of this is that communication improves as there are proper processes put in place in order to facilitate an interchange of ideas. Pupils can also learn to confidently express their thoughts, opinions and ideas by participating in pupil voice.
Pupil voice also allows children to take on roles that support their development in communication, speaking and listening, leading, managing their time, empathy, understanding and responsibility.
At Swithun’s School this includes:
Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies is a group of children who want to follow Jesus’ teaching to make our school, community and world a better place. This could be through prayer, fund raising, helping and supporting those in need. To become a Mini Vinnie, pupils need to complete an application form for consideration; pupils do not have to follow a certain religion but they do need to be keen to make a positive different and support our school mission statement ‘Love one another as I have loved you’.
School Council
Our School Council wants to work with everyone to make positive changes within the school. Everyone has a chance to talk about and present their ideas to the class which then votes on the ideas. Pupils are encouraged to talk to their representative or use the wallet in the corridor to ask questions or put suggestions forward. The School Council also updates our news board with the latest changes.
Language Ambassadors and Deputy Language Ambassadors
Language Ambassadors and Deputy Language Ambassadors are responsible for celebrating and educating us about different cultures, languages and celebrations. They choose which countries we learn more about during our six mini international days throughout the year. They look at how we celebrate a range of special events like Easter, Chinese New Year throughout the school year. They also help Madame Adie with the organisation of our whole school International Day, for which each class selects a country. Families and the local community are invited in to help us learn about other countries and cultures which is then shared and celebrated in a special assembly. Every Friday the ambassadors welcome families at the school gates in a different language having chosen one that is spoken in our school.
Office Monitors
Unlike other roles within the school this position is for a whole year. Year 5 children complete an application form to express their interest in the position. Those who are taken forward will either assist the office once a week at a break or lunchtime distributing all manner of things to classes as well as Twilight register boxes. Office monitors are also in charge of distributing milk and fruit, monitoring lost property reuniting children with lost items whenever possible.
Our librarians scan books in and out of the library, ensuring all books are in their correct location so children can easily find the book they want. The librarians choose new books from the library service and spend our book fair money too. Our librarians also read stories to promote that love of learning at break and lunchtimes. In addition, they are responsible for stocking the outside libraries and making sure they are tidy.
Friendship Club
Our Playground Leaders make sure that everyone has someone to play with. They organise colouring, reading and games outside so children always have a friend to play with and help children expand their friendship circle and social skills.
Assembly Monitors
Our Assembly Monitors prepare the hall for assemblies. They also ensure that children are moving safely and sensibly on their way to and from assembly and playgrounds.
Relational Practice Ambassadors
Our Relational Practice Ambassadors work closely with Mrs Hawkins to support minor playground disagreements and friendship issues. They use the principles of relational practice and the set questions you will see on our posters to help children both talk about their concerns and listen to others, understand the views of others, develop their skills of empathy and find a resolution to their problems.
Well-being Leaders
Our Well-being Leaders work with Mrs Holman in ensuring that children feel happy and safe. This may include conducting questionnaires, taking surveys especially during playtime and looking at the results to see how we can ensure everyone’s well-being is high within the school.
Eco Warriors
Our Eco Warriors are selected by their classes after putting their names forward and presenting why they should be an Eco Warrior to the rest of the class, who then voted. Our Eco Warriors work with Miss Kittle to look at our school environment e.g. litter picking, nature areas, use of recycling bins and composting. They also look at wider issues affecting our community like water pollution as well as national issues.
Art Club
Mrs E runs our art club, working with a different phase each half term. They select and create work that brightens up our school as well as showcasing their talents.
IT Monitors
Our IT monitors assist Mrs Hayward in organising and checking our IT equipment. They are responsible for charging equipment, supporting to set up equipment and helping their peers should they need support.
Orchestra and Choir
We enjoy music and sharing our talents with others. As well as selecting and taking part in school performances we choose music to share with our community.
Gardening Club
Mrs Richardson runs our gardening club, during which she teaches the children how to look after God’s creations. We choose flowers and plants to grow throughout the school. We learn what bugs like what plants, we grow vegetables and flowers to brighten up our school environment.