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PE & Sports

At St Swithun’s, we want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Physical Education (PE), and to be eager to achieve their very best to fulfil their God-given talents and personality. We aim to develop a strong spiritual and moral base through character, resilience, fairness, respect in life and self-discipline on the games field. This will sustain students, helping them accept defeat generously and victory modestly. We aspire to inspire our pupils to perform to their very best in competitive sports as well as other physically demanding life activities. All pupils who leave St Swithun’s will be physically confident, and literate and will have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Our principal aim is that children leave St Swithun’s Catholic School with a wide range of happy and rich memories in PE formed through interesting and exciting experiences that enhance a child’s awareness of their abilities and strengths as earners thus, ensuring that children see learning in PE as an on-going process not a one-off event; alongside developing competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. To maintain pupils’ thoughts of PE at St Swithun’s (Ofsted, September 2019), “Pupils said that they really like the opportunities outside lessons. They value the sports clubs.”

Progression of skills in PE

PE – National Curriculum – Physical education key stages 1 to 2

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