Our Family Support Officer, Mrs Hawkins, can provide support and guidance. Mrs Hawkins is on the gate daily or you can email [email protected].
Family Support Services
Portsmouth City Council offers a range of support for parents, including one-to-one advice sessions, workshops, and seminars. You can book these services directly by contacting your local family hub: Portsmouth City Council.
Behaviour Management
For children under 5, the Health Visitor or Family Nurse serves as the Lead Professional and provides direct parenting support: Portsmouth City Council.
Positive Parenting Courses
The Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership offers free online parenting courses accessible to all families in Portsmouth. These courses cover various aspects of positive parenting and behaviour management: Portsmouth SCP.
Home-Start Portsmouth
Home-Start Portsmouth is a local family support charity that offers friendship, mentoring, and practical help through volunteer support in homes, family groups in the community, and support within the Portsmouth Family Hubs: Portsmouth Local Offer.
Parenting Courses
The Healthier Together website provides information on local parenting courses in Portsmouth, including workshops and seminars designed to support parents in managing children’s behaviour: What 0-18.
Neurodiversity Team
The Portsmouth Neurodiversity Team (0-19) consists of family support workers, child and adolescent clinicians, an educational psychologist, and speech and language therapists. They offer support for children with neurodiverse conditions, which can include behaviour management strategies: Solent Family Assist.