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Navigating the benefit system can be confusing.  Here’s a guide to some of the most common benefits and financial assistance options for parents in Portsmouth, and how to access them.


Child Benefit

A payment made to parents or guardians of children under 16 (or under 20 if they are in approved education or training). It’s designed to help with the costs of raising children. You can get up to £21.80 per week for the first child and £14.45 for each subsequent child.

Child Benefit: Make a claim – GOV.UK


 Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a payment that supports those who are on a low income or out of work. It combines several benefits into one payment, including support for children, housing, and working families.

Universal Credit: How to claim – GOV.UK

Working Tax Credit

A payment for working families with low income. It is designed to help those who are employed but still need extra financial support to cover their living costs.

Working Tax Credit: Eligibility – GOV.UK


Housing Benefit

A payment to help with rent costs if you’re on a low income or out of work. The amount varies depending on your income, rent, and circumstances. It can cover all or part of your rent.

Housing Benefit: Eligibility – GOV.UK


Free School Meals

Free School Meals

Please do apply for free school meals even if your child is in YrR, 1 or2 as this will provide school with additional funding to support your child (Pupil Premium funding).  It will also provide you with additional support like free holiday care and supermarket vouchers (when these are available).

School meals – Portsmouth City Council


Who is Eligible for Free School Meals?

  • Your child is eligible if you receive any of the following:
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit only, provided your annual household income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190.
  • Working Tax Credit Run-On, which is paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit. (Anyone receiving continued entitlement to Working Tax Credit is not entitled to free school meals, regardless of income)
  • Universal Credit (if you earn less than £7400 a year)
  • All children in Years R, 1 & 2 are offered a free lunchtime meal, regardless of the parent’s/carer’s income.

However, all parents/carers of Key Stage 1 children must still complete the free school meal application form, to ensure schools receive their full Pupil Premium funding.

School meals – Portsmouth City Council


Council Tax Reduction

A discount or reduction in your council tax if you’re on a low income or receiving benefits.  The amount depends on your income, savings, and household situation.

Apply for Council Tax Reduction – GOV.UK

Council Tax Support Scheme – Portsmouth City Council


Maternity and Paternity Pay

Payments for parents who are on maternity or paternity leave. Maternity pay is for mothers who are expecting a baby, while paternity pay is for fathers or partners who are taking time off work to care for their newborn child.

Statutory Maternity Pay is £156.66 per week or 90% of your average weekly earnings, whichever is lower. Statutory Paternity Pay is £156.66 per week.

Maternity pay and leave: Pay – GOV.UK

Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave: employer guide: Entitlement – GOV.UK


Health Support

Health costs, such as prescriptions, dental care, and optical costs, may be reduced or free if you qualify for certain benefits.  You can apply for help with health costs through the NHS, often through your GP or dentist. For more details, visit the NHS website.

Get help with NHS prescriptions and health costs – GOV.UK


NHS Dental Services

Regular dental check-ups are essential for children. The NHS provides guidance on:

  • Finding a Dentist: Assistance in locating an NHS dentist in Portsmouth.
  • Dental Care at Home: Tips on maintaining oral hygiene between visits.

Detailed information is available on the Portsmouth City Council’s Teeth and Dental page.


NHS Find a Dentist Tool

The NHS website offers a Find a Dentist tool where you can search for dental practices in your area. Please note that not all practices may be accepting new NHS patients, and waiting times can vary.


Other Financial Support Options

Portsmouth’s Local Welfare Assistance Scheme provides financial support for families in need, such as help with emergency situations, housing, or essential goods.

Household support fund – Portsmouth City Council

Help for people in financial hardship – directory – Portsmouth City Council

Financial Advice and Support

If you need help with managing finances, such as budgeting or dealing with debt, organizations like Citizens Advice Portsmouth provide free, confidential advice to help manage financial pressures.

Citizens Advice Portsmouth


How to Access Benefits and Support in Portsmouth

Contact Portsmouth City Council for detailed information on applying for local benefits like Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

Home – Portsmouth City Council

Visit the Local Jobcentre Plus, they can assist you in applying for Universal Credit or provide advice on available work-related benefits.

0800 169 0190


Working Families

Guidance understanding what financial support for families of Nursery Aged children is available.

Information for parents – working families entitlements.docx

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